Photos of the JUMBO grass hedge Rhizome “Large” after 4 months
Firstly, the latest update from South Burgenland: Rhizome “Large” after exactly 4 months, 1.8 meters high! Thank you again our enthusiastic customer, who constantly sends
Firstly, the latest update from South Burgenland: Rhizome “Large” after exactly 4 months, 1.8 meters high! Thank you again our enthusiastic customer, who constantly sends
Hey, the next two weeks you could get fresh Jumbo grass-Rhizome and sticks! We are looking forward to your visit, by the way, on Facebook
Lovely feedback from Genille, at Tour, France – our jumbos are growing even under the most adverse circumstances, as you can see … 🙂 Merci
Beautiful sample photos of an enthusiastic customer from Burgenland! The plants now stand for more than a year and are really prosperous. Also the hedges
During endless Facebook surfing I almost forgot here again something to post. If you have not checked out on Facebook with “Jumbograshecke” yet (which I
I hope you have a good Christmas and are already good cheer for 2012! We are also in all cases, as some of you already
I do not know how you are, but the winter has not even begun really, the hobby and also gardening master cannot wait … What
Jumbogras-Stoffelefanten kostenlos, bei Bestellung über 100,00€
I do not know if I’ve ever mentioned, but we also have a small, fine yard operation, DSG – The Service Gardener
Montag – Donnerstag:
07:30 – 14:00 Uhr
07:30 – 12:00
Gärtnermeister – Reinhard Sperr
Montag – Donnerstag:
07:30 – 14:00 Uhr
07:30 – 12:00
GRÄSER AUS ♥ Leidenschaft
Gärtnermeister – Reinhard Sperr
Petra Asen
Montag – Donnerstag:
07.30 – 14:00 Uhr
7:30 – 12:00 Uhr