I hope you have a good Christmas and are already good cheer for 2012!
We are also in all cases, as some of you already know, that we also run two more internet portals: www.DerServiceGaertner.at – our garden page, where tips and information about the garden are put online and now has started (please login here, who is interested)
And what grows tremendously, you know as “Jumbo fans” probably best, are Miscanthus and Energy woods, not only in the garden or on the field, but also our work and thus also our webpages. For this reason, we would like to present you our new website www.energiepflanzen.com. There you can find a lot of background information on short-term plantations (KUP) and elephant grass, also in the form of our own YouTube-films about energy plants.
All current news is also here in the form of an energy letter.
We are very happy if one or the other of you would “take a look” there!
All love and good luck to the 2012er,