Jumbogas Blick in den HimmelIn the last article we dealt with the maintenance of existing jumbo grass hedge tools. Today we take a step back and start with the planning and planting!

Hardly to believe, but from a small Miscanthus rhizome with few eyes, a powerful stick with a diameter of about 1 m develops over the course of about 10 years. Then one makes his thoughts so before the planting of his Miscanthus.

Planning is everything or what do I notice before planting?

Elefantengras in Korbsteinen

The question of where to go is usually already clarified. As a visual protection hedge, reeds on the water, a solitaire view in the garden or even a labyrinth for children. There are countless possibilities for use Miscanthus.


What distance do I choose? Fortunately, it is quite easy to calculate when you know how wide the plant becomes final. So at least a half to three-thirds of a meter distance to the land border and other “obstacles”. Then the jumbo grass hedge can develop evenly and after a few years it does not look as if it were attached to the wall, the pond and the like. And, of course, the grass is so far from the neighbor’s property. You can also plant the elephant grass in troughs, pots or (as in the picture) in cages. For these applications regular fertilization and watering are particularly important.Größenvergleich Jumbogras

When planning a jumbo grass hedge planting, the soil conditions must also be considered. If this is too heavy (clayey) then a soil improvement in the form of sand and earth is necessary. If it is too light (sandy), then the upper part with the clay content is worked in. No sticks or rhizomes have anything against small compost. Adequate drainage must also be ensured. The Miscanthus giganteus does not like wet feet. This also applies to most other grasses!

So, and now there is nothing in the way of planting!

Does the jumbo grass hedge need a rhizome lock?

Solitärgras JumbograsWe often receive inquiries from customers about Rhizom blocking.

This is probably due to one of the names of the Jumbo grass hedge. And reed is somehow associated with subterranean foothills. The spread of bamboo has certainly left its mark. Our bamboo is also 100% tussock forming and makes no foothills. Speaking of: Bamboo is also becoming more popular as a raw material for carpet (see bambusteppich.de). But this is only by the way.


Miscanthus is tussock forming

But I can soothe: all Miscanthus varieties are tussock forming, that is, they form a slowly spreading stick. Each year a few centimeters of rhizomes are added. Conclusion: a rhizome barrier in Miscanthus giganteus is not necessary.

Do you have any further questions?

No problem, call me at +43 (0) 664/73799587 or Sperr Reinhard at +43 (0) 664/5325487. You can also reach us via our practical contact form or by e-mail.

Stefi Wassermann

junge Jumbograshecke

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