Many, many inquiries we had so already, we have long consulted prospects and promised that we are soon so far. However, it is not so easy to offer new varieties of different sizes and the usual jumbo grass quality.

Jumbograshecke Strictus
Jumbo gras hedge Strictus

But now we are finally ready! In addition to our tried and tested high variety Miscanthus x giganteus, also called elephant grass, you now have the possibility to choose from other, lower and different varieties. Here is a brief description of the new Jumbo grass varieties:

Strictus: (see picture above) tightly upright growing leaves, yellow-green striped, flowering September – October, height approx. 150 cm

Jumbograshecke Malepartus
Jumbograshecke Malepartus

Malepartus: Leaf rather thin, reddish brown and interesting autumn coloration, flowering from August to October, medium height up to 2 meters.

Large fountain: leaf overhanging and rather broad, imposing appearance also as a solitary grass and in small groups, to Miscanthus x giganteus second highest variety with up to 2.5 meters.


Jumbograshecke Große Fontaine
Jumbo grass hedge large fountain

In the course of the coming winter, these varieties will be integrated into our shop, where you can then buy the plants online, as usual, in Austria and Germany.

Have fun with the new variety!

Reinhard Sperr, im November 2013


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Petra Asen

Beratung Jumbograshecke rund um Rechnungen, Lieferungen


Montag – Donnerstag:
07.30 – 14:00 Uhr
7:30 – 12:00 Uhr
