Outside, it is on many places still green (the Carinthian’s and East/South Tyrolean’s forgive me!), even if it should still be winter. So this is not yet spontaneously completely different and decides us we can start soon.

And with a wealth of news! As announced in the autumn, we can also offer smaller jumbo grass varieties this year. These are the Miscanthus varieties “Malepartus“, “Great Fontaine” and “Strictus” oft he genus Miscanthus sinensis.

Jumbograshecke Große Fontaine
Jumbograshecke Große Fontaine

Thus we offer from about 150 cm starting over 250 cm also all intermediate sizes up to our star, the 3-4 meter high Miscanthus giganteus.

The biggest advantage of our jumbo grasses compared to traditional grasses, our “fans” know this already long ago, is mainly due to the rearing on the field. This year we can already offer the sizes mini and midi largely from our own rearing; the size maxi still comes from trustworthy Austrian breeding.

At the moment it looks as if we could start the harvest in just a few weeks. At the latest at the beginning of April the plants will be shipped again!

We would like to take your orders NOW, so we can plan the harvest better in the stressful time and you will get more quickly to the desired grasses!

Elefantengras/Miscanthus als schnellwachsende Heckenpflanze
Elephant grass/Miscanthus as a fast growing hedge plant


 Reinhard, www.jumbograshecke.com in February 2014

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Petra Asen

Beratung Jumbograshecke rund um Rechnungen, Lieferungen


Montag – Donnerstag:
07.30 – 14:00 Uhr
7:30 – 12:00 Uhr
