Today we would like to draw your attention to a nice article on the Upper Austrian Permatic page of Bernhard Gruber, Permanorikum. On the one hand, the theme of guerrilla gardening is being re-explored there – that is, planting action on urban areas in cities that are not always quite legal – and determines whether our jumbo grass would not be suitable for this. First prospective customers have already registered and you can also do it on this way, subject “Jumbo grass in guerrilla gardening”.

Jumbogras as a Guerilla-gardening-plant

Furthermore, all “Permacultureists” are called upon to think about how to combine jumbo grass or other extensive energy plants such as poplar, willow and robinia or even the sidap plant with the permaculture philosophy.


We would be happy to advise you in this direction and, if necessary, also for project participation!

Reinhard Sperr, im März 13



Petra Asen

Beratung Jumbograshecke rund um Rechnungen, Lieferungen


07:30 – 17:30 Uhr
