We are proud to report on a very nice article from an international print edition of the magazine Ibiza-Kurier. The magazine is published monthly in German on the Spanish holiday island. The editor team planted the first jumbo grass hedges in the Balearic Islands as early as 2013, then again in May 2014, thus gaining valuable experience with them. Here is the unabridged and original Jumbo grass article in the Ibiza-Kurier, in the following text version.
Garden Tip: Natural hedges from elephant grass (jumbo grass)
Already in the second year a growth height of almost three meters.
The impulses of the imposing elephant grass are excellently suited in Ibiza’s gardens as a nurtured natural hedge, green visibility or just to the ornament.
More and more garden owners are discovering this exciting alternative because the energy plant Miscanthus x giganteus is a fast growing hedge substitute, ideal for use as edge design, at the pool area or for shading certain other areas in the garden. In Ibiza one can plant the rhizomes from the middle of March, in Germany and Austria usually only from the beginning to the middle of May. In the summer, agaves, oleanders and also opuntias may occur without additional watering, but the Miscanthus is not – irrigation is hardly possible. Through the warmth and the permeable soil it is advisable to water every two days.
In the rest of the year there is hardly anything to do with nursing. Only in the winter – at the latest until the new shoot in the spring – the grass has to be cut to the ground. In dried form it is also ideal for firing the wood oven in winter. Further information and planting instructions can be found at www.energiepflanzen.com or www.jumbograshecke.com
Copyright by Ibiza-Kurier, Fridericke Diestel