The Miscanthus sinensis “Large Fontaine” makes the beginning of our greatest flowering jumbo grass.

We have set ourselves here at irregular intervals on the one hand gardening examples with grasses to post and also our Miscanthus grass varieties in detail to introduce. Enjoy yourself!

The Miscanthus: stately height and attractive flower in perfect combination

The Miscanthus sinensis large fountain is a stately grass, which reaches a height of 1.75 up to 2.5 meters including the blossom.

Like all Miscanthus species, the Great Fontaine does not form any foothills, but gradually grows horizontally in width and reaches a diameter of up to about 80 cm. From the late summer the flowers show up which look beautiful in the autumn.

Blossom of the Miscanthus sinensis large fountain
Blossom of the Miscanthus sinensis large fountain

Like most Miscanthus grasses, the Large Fontaine also prefers a sunny location. It thrives also in the penumbra, is however not quite so high and dense.
Preference is given to a permeable, fresh and humus-rich soil with sufficient nutrients. In the garden design with grasses this Miscanthus is planted, among other places, in beds in single or small groups with three to five plants.

Also in large flowerpots and planting bugs as a screen protector on the terrace and balcony thrives this wonderful. Here it remains somewhat smaller with 1 up to 1.75 meters and needs sufficient water supply as well as additional fertilizer. An organic grass fertilizer is best taken for this purpose.

Miscanthus sinensis Large Fontaine comes in the bed with relatively little water, but in hot summers we recommend additional water so that the beauty of this grass does not suffer. This Miscanthus ornamental grass has proven to be hardy during winter.


Suitable as medium high visibility hedges, in small groups in grasses gravel fields or as a view of the biotope or swimming pond –


Miscanthus sinensis largefountain makes a great figure in every garden!

Miscanthus Large fountain as a solitary grass in grasses bed
Miscanthus Large fountain as a solitary grass in grasses bed

The Jumbograss video on YouTube

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Petra Asen

Beratung Jumbograshecke rund um Rechnungen, Lieferungen


07:30 – 17:30 Uhr
